The Marketer's Handbook
The Marketer's Handbook: A Checklist Approach is a dream tool for marketing practitioners looking to increase performance. It delivers a powerful wealth of practical marketing information in checklist form. Armed with this resource, you will gain priceless marketing know-how with leading ideas, proven strategies & practical information organized in a quick & easy-to-use reference format. This handbook will help you to focus in on specific areas to ensure that you haven't forgotten anything. The wealth of information contained in each chapter is there to help you think about &consider just what it is that you have to do. The checklists help to identify, remind & prompt, & evolve questions to ask, on ideas, issues & considerations, that need to be acted upon. Checklists trigger thoughts & help to generate new ideas & new ways of doing things. Use the checklists to help you plan marketing programs, undertake research, develop strategies, segment your target market, develop products, setpricing, plan promotional activities & all of the other marketing related functions. The Marketer's Handbook: A Checklist Approach arms you with what you need to win. Free sample checklists are available to look at prior to ordering. ISBN: 0-9685593-3-6, CD-ROM, 2,715 pages, Price: $395.00 plus shipping & applicable taxes. E-mail: Web site: Marcheck Publishing, P.O. Box 56058, Ottawa, DN, Canada KIR 721.