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Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
This is the tenth annual edition of "Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries." To mark this event, this report includes figures for each of the countries for which data are available as well as the first country-specific results of a worldwide survey on obstacles to doing business perceived by executives in 74 countries (including several industrial countries for comparison). The first part of this report documents trends in private and public fixed investment. The second part presents country-specific results of a 1996/97 worldwide survey of business executives. The discussion focus on obstacles to doing business and their relationship to levels of private investment. A few factors emerge as being of particular importance to private investment decisions:the real exchange rate, the rule of law, predictability of judiciary systems, and the extent to which financing is available to enterprises.
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An Application of the "Fan-Chart Approach" to Debt Sustainability in Post-HIPC Low-Income Countries
An Application of the "Fan-Chart Approach" to Debt Sustainability in Post-HIPC Low-Income Countries
We analyse the debt dynamics in countries that benefited from the HIPC/MDRI debt relief initiatives with a view to applying a probabilistic approach to estimating future debt paths for those countries. We extend the probabilistic approach to public debt sustainability analysis (DSA) proposed by Celasun et al. (2006). This required addressing the twin challenges of a the time period that is too short to conduct country-by-country estimations and the presence, suggested by econometric evidence, of a break–point around 2006 in the dynamics of debt accumulation. To overcome the data limitations, we pool the data and estimate a panel VAR, thus taking advantage of the large cross–section. To account for the break–point, while applying a probabilistic approach to forecasting debt paths, we use the post–break–point information so as not to bias the forecasts of debt paths. As an illustration of the approach we apply the methodology to eight countries with different debt profiles.
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International Reserves-Too Much of a Zipf's Thing
International Reserves-Too Much of a Zipf's Thing
Concentrated distribution of international reserves is puzzling. I show that the growth rates of international reserves bear only a very weak relationship to their initial stocks (scaled by GDP or in absolute terms), and that, by implication, the cross-sectional distribution of reserves conforms to Zipf's law. The law states that the size of reserves is inversely related to their ranking. Evidence in favor of the law is strong and time robust. I compare the crosssection distribution of international reserves embedded in the WEO projections to that implied by Zipf's law and find that international reserves are much less concentrated in the WEO projections than implied by Zipf's law.
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International Reserve Trends in the South Caucasus and Central Asia Region
International Reserve Trends in the South Caucasus and Central Asia Region
In recent years, the South Caucasus and Central Asia countries (CCA-6) have received significant foreign exchange inflows. While a healthy reserve buffer is desirable to selfinsure against external crises, holding international reserves also involves costs. We analyze the adequacy of CCA-6 reserves using widely recognized rules of thumb, and simulate optimal reserve levels applying the Jeanne (2007) model. Both the adequacy measures and the model-based simulations indicate that, with the exception of Tajikistan, CCA-6 reserves had increased to broadly comfortable levels by 2006. More recently, reserve adequacy has been tested in Kazakhstan, which has been affected by the 2007 global liquidity crunch.
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The Rise and Impact of Fintech in Latin America
The Rise and Impact of Fintech in Latin America
In the past decade, fintech has shaken up the financial sector in Latin America providing innovations in lending, payments, insurance, and regulation and compliance. This paper examines this development by focusing on both fintech services and regulation. Exploring fintech’s macro-critical impact using country- and bank-level data, we find that booming financial technologies in Latin America have helped boost competition in the banking sector and inclusion. Additionally, we demonstrate that fintech firms in Latin America experienced robust growth even during the pandemic supported by external funding. Finally, we discuss how regulators are addressing the risks associated with financial technologies and how they are leveraging fintech tools in their supervisory activities.
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Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Private investment in developing countries continued its upward trend in 1996, the most recent year for which data exist, on an unweighted average basis. Public investment rates continued a decline that began in the early 1980s. The largest increases in private investment between 1995 and 1996 occurred in Malawi, Mauritania, Benin, Papua New Guinea, and Bolivia, suggesting that the private firms in some of the world's poorest countries are showing a strong supply response. This year's edition includes statistics for four major Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) countries for comparison with developing country trends. It also includes a discussion of domestic capital markets in financing private investment; even though stock and bond markets have grown at a rapid rate, they play only a minor role in financing investment in the developing countries where banks are a more important source of financing.
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Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
La edicion de 2001 se centra en la relacion entre inversion publica e inversion privada. El foco de este a?o esta en la calidad de la inversion publica, de su interaccion con la corrupcion, y del impacto que resulta en la inversion privada.
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Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
This discussion paper examines in its first part, the role of private investment in economic growth. While theoretical growth models developed in the economics literature, make no distinction between private, and public components of investment, there is an emerging appreciation that private investment is more efficient, and productive tan public investment. Results from the recent empirical literature, updated here with the recent data on private investment, suggest that private investment has a stronger association with long run economic growth than public investment. The second part shows trends in private, and public fixed investment in fifty developing countries. On average, the ratio of private investment to GDP continued its upward trend, reaching record levels in 1998, the most recent year for which comparable data exist. That year, average private investment reached 14.3 percent of GDP, but public investment, fell to only 7.0 percent of GDP, its lowest level since 1974.
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Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries
This short paper, in its eighth edition, provides private and public investment data through 1995. Although the growing empirical literature on privatization has almost invariably found that the transfer of assets from public to private hands yields both efficiency and welfare gains, there has been a surprising lack of research on the macroeconomic consequences of privatization. This report addresses that issue briefly, exploring the impact of privatization on private fixed investment. As a starting point, the dimensions of the privatization revolution are summarized with special emphasis on the contribution made by foreign investors. Data on investment commitments stemming from privatization are also presented. The final section offers some econometric insights into the importance of privatization as a determinant of private investment in developing countries. The report concludes that privatization of state-owned enterprises is likely to have a multiplier effect on private investment and is, therefore, an important ingredient of governments' efforts to improve the business climate and to step up the pace of economic development. Appendix 1 discusses the methods and sources used; Appendix 2 presents tables with investment figures in terms of five ratios; Appendix 3 graphs the data by region; and Appendix 4 discusses the econometric results.
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