aEURoeAlexandra Hope, come downstairs,aEUR Dad called up to me. His voice was so serious I felt like throwing up. I snatched my phone, put it in my pocket, and ran downstairs. Before I rounded the corner, I overheard Mom and Dad talking. aEURoeAre you sure we should tell her?aEUR Mom asked. aEURoeYes, Layla. SheaEUR(tm)s thirteen. She needs to know, especially since theyaEUR(tm)re coming soon,aEUR Dad replied. Huh? Are they talking about me? Who needs to know what? Who is coming? I thought. I walked into the kitchen. Mom and Dad were sitting at the table. The last time there was one of these talks, it was when I had done something wrong. I gulped. I hadnaEUR(tm)t done anything wrong, had I? I sat down at the table, took my phone out of my pocket, and put it on my lap under the table. I figured I could try the recording app out. Of course, I would listen to the recording, then delete it. The talk probably wouldnaEUR(tm)t be worth remembering anyway. I was so wrong.