Mario Botta
Over the past decade, Mario Botta has focused his creativity on a series of public buildings of great significance, in locations across the globe, from Japan to Bolivia, from Tel Aviv to the Swiss Canton of Ticino. Designing projects that are both original and closely linked to their function and surroundings, the Swiss architect has made the public building his main concern. In this beautiful volume showcasing Botta's work, eleven public buildings erected between the early 1990s and today give evidence of his evolving style. Pino Musi's colour and black and white images and pictures of superb wooden models lavishly illustrate each project. Essays by Werner Oechslin, Cesare De Seta, Benedetto Gravagnuolo, Gabriele Cappellato and Botta himself introduce the works, which include the new synagogue in Tel Aviv, a monument for La Paz, the Tinguely Museum in Basle, an art gallery in Tokyo, the San Francisco MOCA, the cathedral of Evry, the church of San Giovanni at Mogno, the two parish churches of Pordenone and Sartirana di Merate, as well as the mobile theatre for the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Swiss Foundation.