Sign Language Acquisition by Deaf and Hearing Children
This digital textbook offers an accessible introduction to first, second, and bilingual language acquisition, focusing on sign languages as the primary frame of reference. Signed entirely in American Sign Language with accompanying slides and an optional English voice-over, this digital text provides an innovative approach to conveying the visual, moving elements intrinsic to sign language, maintaining accessibility to both ASL-dominant and English-dominant readers. Unlike most texts that rely on spoken language examples to illustrate the process of language development, Sign Language Acquisition by Deaf and Hearing Children draws from a rich body of sign language research to guide the user through the major developmental milestones for language acquisition. The textbook examines universal properties of first language acquisition, the wide variation in language input experienced by deaf children, and the impact of such variation on language development. Sign language development in other contexts, focusing on late-exposed signers, child and adult bilingual signers, hearing L2 signers, and atypical signers with cognitive disorders or Specific Language Impairments, is addressed, as well. Critical terms and concepts are highlighted on slides that accompany each video chapter, indicating their inclusion in a 200+ item bilingual glossary, which is accessible from any point in the video text. Conveniently packaged on a USB flash drive, the text also includes printable PDF versions of the chapter slides and a complete reference list. Sign Language Acquisition by Deaf and Hearing Children is an excellent resource for language acquisition courses and early intervention training, as well as for parents of deaf and hearing signing children. A Brazilian edition of the text in Libras with spoken Brazilian Portuguese voice-over will be available from Editora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.