Construction of Extended Topological Quantum Field Theories
The central position held by Topological Quantum Field Theories (TQFTs) in the study of low dimensional topology is due to their extraordinarily rich structure, which allows for various interactions with and applications to questions of geometric nature. Ever since their first appearance, a great effort has been put into extending quantum invariants of 3-dimensional manifolds to TQFTs and Extended TQFTs (ETQFTs). This thesis tackles this problem in two different general frameworks. The first one is the study of the semisimple quantum invariants of Witten, Reshetikhin and Turaev issued from modular categories. Although the corresponding ETQFTs were known to exist for a while, an explicit realization based on the universal construction of Blanchet, Habegger, Masbaum and Vogel appears here for the first time. The aim is to set a golden standard for the second part of the thesis, where the same procedure is applied to a new family of non-semisimple quantum invariants due to Costantino, Geer and Patureau. These invariants had been previously extended to graded TQFTs by Blanchet, Costantino, Geer an Patureau, but only for an explicit family of examples. We lay the first stone by introducing the definition of relative modular category, a non-semisimple analogue to modular categories. Then, we refine the universal construction to obtain graded ETQFTs extending both the quantum invariants of Costantino, Geer and Patureau and the graded TQFTs of Blanchet, Costantino, Geer and Patureau in this general setting.