Nootan Gunjan Hindi Pathmala – 5
1. Textbook from Praveshika, 1 to 8 for ICSE Board. 2. As per ICSE curriculum with questions on Multiple Intelligence, Value based and skill development. 3. Grammar concepts related to the chapter are introduced and well-explained in each chapter as per National Education Policy 4. Tips on 'How to use Hindi Dictionary' is given at the end of the book. 5. Suggestive Question paper for practice. 6. Creative activities to develop interest in te subject 7. 'Reading for Fun' to promote reading. 8. 'Double-spreads' have an assimilation of vividdimensions of pan India 7. Textbook covers all genres like traditional and contemporary stories, poetry, Historical stories, plays, biographies, interviews, war stories, foriegn literature, letter and reminiscences etc. 8. Topics like Child labour, Nature and Environment, Holy preachings, warriors, status of handicaps in society, , scientific stories, folk tales, traditions prevalent in the society, humour, eradication of superstition from the society are well covered. 9. Poet/Author description at the end of the chapter 10. Additional information/interesting facts related to the chapter are given in each chapter 11. Suggestive weblinks for Project work 12. Teacher's Manual with Lesson Plan and answers of the questions given in the textbook 13. E-book with voice-over, animations, activities, synonyms, antonyms, vocabulary, short answer questions and Test Generator 14. Web support with additional worksheets 15. MobApp for classes 6 to 8