Green Embraces: Identity Reclaimed
A strong handshake, a tender hug, a long embrace...being held feels good. As human beings built for connection, embraces carry power when they come from someone who knows us fully and loves us anyways. The embrace of God's powerfully loving arms began in a green garden long ago. The original design was a clean, lively, and green creation to host and hold people as they were meant to be. To lived loved was the original design. We've wandered and gotten lost, lived for less, and walked a winding road. However, the fresh, pure, living embrace of God who knows us as Beloved Child, is available to each of us, right now. It's up to us to reclaim what was ours all along.A multi-media book focused on reclaiming the true identity our Creator gave to each one of his beloved children! In John 8:36, Jesus says, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." We all long for freedom and yet so often the pain and guilt and shame of our past imprisons us and gets in the way of truly experiencing the kind of freedom and the kind of abundant, joyful life that Jesus offers to each one of us. I have worked with teenagers through the ministry of Young Life for the past thirty-five years. I can honestly say that the number one issue facing young people is this lack of identity, a lack of knowing who they truly are as individuals created in the image of God with the capacity to know Him personally. To watch young people discover the truth of their identity, is to see them set free and to see them discover, for the first time, their God-given purpose and destiny. And it isn't just young people. People of all ages in our world today are struggling to find peace and so often the root issue is simply this - not knowing who they truly are and whose they are. In this e-book, Green Embraces: Identity Reclaimed, Tamara J. Buchan and Lindsey D. Osborne have offered a concise, succinct, powerful window into what it means for us to deny the lies of our past and to embrace the truth of who we really are in Christ. The words presented here, help us to discover that we are truly loved, that our story is part of a greater divine story, that we are forgiven and truly accepted and that we have a true place of belonging. If embraced, these words have the power to bring true freedom, the kind of freedom that can only come when we see ourselves the way that God sees us, a beloved child of the King!