Essentials of Skeletal Radiology
he Second Edition of this landmark text is by far the most comprehensive radiology text ever published. The magnificent, two-volume set features a new two-color format, and covers the entire spectrum of chiropractic radiology, including skeletal variants that simulate disease, normal anatomy and radiographic positioning, and every facet of bone pathology. The streamlined, easy-reading text is supported with charts and diagrams of target sites for various entities, with radiographs, CT and MRI scans. Other features new to this edition include a totally rewritten chapter on Specialized Diagnostic Imaging (Chapter 6) including MRI, CT, Myelography, CT Myelography, Nuclear Medicine (Bone Scans) and Discography. The reader will find medical-legal implications of various clinical entities fully explored, along with new mnemonics, over 1,000 new illustrations, 1,000 new references, 200 new cases and 100 new radiographic artifacts in Chapter 16.