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The Other Side Of The Frontier
The Other Side Of The Frontier
A collection of essays by renowned scholars of Native American economic history, The Other Side of the Frontier presents one of the first in-depth studies of the complex interaction between the history of Native American economic development and the economic development of the United States at large. Although recent trends in the field of economics have encouraged the study of minority groups such as Asians and African Americans, little work has been done in Native American economic history. This text fills an existing gap in economic history literature and will help students come to a richer understanding of the effects that U.S. economic policy has had on the culture and development of its indigenous peoples.
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Documents of Japanese American Internment
Documents of Japanese American Internment
Explore Japanese internment through the voices of those who endured removal, those who designed this notorious forced relocation, and those who witnessed the broken promise of U.S. democracy. This document collection sheds light on Japanese American internment through the voices and perspectives of those who directly experienced this event as well as those who created the policy behind it. The book provides readers with a wide range of first-hand accounts, government reports, and media responses that help readers to better understand the events of this unfortunate period of American history. Each document has contextualizing information to help students understand content they may come across in their research. This format is meant to accommodate a wide range of documents that includes a variety of viewpoints and perspectives, such as "eyewitness" pieces (personal narratives, letters; and first-hand accounts); media pieces (newspaper articles, op-ed articles, and reactions and responses to the events); and government and legislative pieces (laws, proclamations, rules, etc.). Books in this series provide a preface, introduction, guide to primary documents, and chronological organization of documents, with each document providing its own introduction, the text of the document or excerpt, and a brief list of additional readings.
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A landmark publication in the social sciences, Linda Lindsey’s Gender is the most comprehensive textbook to explore gender sociologically, as a critical and fundamental dimension of a person’s identity, interactions, development, and role and status in society. Ranging in scope from the everyday lived experiences of individuals to the complex patterns and structures of gender that are produced by institutions in our global society, the book reveals how understandings of gender vary across time and place and shift along the intersecting lines of race, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, class and religion. Arriving at a time of enormous social change, the new, seventh edition extends its rigorous, theoretical approach to reflect on recent events and issues with insights that challenge conventional thought about the gender binary and the stereotypes that result. Recent and emerging topics that are investigated include the #MeToo and LGBTQ-rights movements, political misogyny in the Trump era, norms of masculinity, marriage and family formation, resurgent feminist activism and praxis, the gendered workplace, and profound consequences of neoliberal globalization. Enriching its sociological approach with interdisciplinary insight from feminist, biological, psychological, historical, and anthropological perspectives, the new edition of Gender provides a balanced and broad approach with readable, dynamic content that furthers student understanding, both of the importance of gender and how it shapes individual trajectories and social processes in the U.S. and across the globe.
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Institutions of Higher Education
Institutions of Higher Education
This bibliography brings together in one comprehensive volume citations of books, dissertations, theses, and ERIC microfiche relating to the history of specific institutions of higher education worldwide. All types of postsecondary institutions--two years colleges, liberal arts colleges, seminaries, specialized institutions, and universities--are included. Entries include the following elements when available: author/editor, title, place of publication, publisher, publication date, and number of pages. Citations from 85 countries are included. Entries are by country, dependency, and territory. The United States has been further divided by state. Names of institutions are in English. References are in the language in which they were written. The majority of the citations should be available in a library somewhere in the United States. Obscure sources that may be difficult to obtain have been included because they are often the only citation. All editions of a title as well as older works are included because of their potential value to a researcher. The book should be a part of all college, university, and large public library collections. College of Education faculty members specializing in higher or comparative education will find much of value here.
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Beyond the Bubble Test
Beyond the Bubble Test
Performance assessment is a hot topic in school systems, and educators continue to analyze its costs, benefits, and feasibility as a replacement for high-stakes testing. Until now, researchers and policymakers have had to dig to find out what we know and what we still have to learn about performance assessment. Beyond the Bubble Test: How Performance Assessments Support 21st Century Learning synthesizes the latest findings in the field, and not a moment too soon. Statistics indicate that the United States is in danger of falling behind if it fails to adapt to our changing world. The memory and recall strategies of traditional testing are no longer adequate to equip our students with the skills they need to excel in the global economy. Instead teachers need to engage students in deeper learning, assessing their ability to use higher-order skills. Skills like synthesizing information, understanding evidence, and critical problem-solving are not achieved when we teach to multiple-choice exams. Examples in Beyond the Bubble Test paint a useful picture of how schools can begin to supplement traditional tests with something that works better. This book provides new perspectives on current performance assessment research, plus an incisive look at what’s possible at the local and state levels. Linda Darling-Hammond, with a team of leading scholars, bring together lessons learned, new directions, and solid recommendations into a single, readily accessible compendium. Beyond the Bubble Test situates the current debate on performance assessment within the context of testing in the United States. This comprehensive resource also looks beyond our U.S. borders to Singapore, Hong Kong, and other places whose reform-mindedness can serve as an example to us.
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Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environmental Change on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environmental Change on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
This study brings together decades of research on the modern natural environment of Washington's Olympic Peninsula, reviews past research on paleoenvironmental change since the Late Pleistocene, and finally presents paleoecological records of changing forest composition and fire over the last 14,000 years. The focus of this study is on the authors’ studies of five pollen records from the Olympic Peninsula. Maps and other data graphics are used extensively. Paleoecology can effectively address some of these challenges we face in understanding the biotic response to climate change and other agents of change in ecosystems. First, species responses to climate change are mediated by changing disturbance regimes. Second, biotic hotspots today suggest a long-term maintenance of diversity in an area, and researchers approach the maintenance of diversity from a wide range and angles (CITE). Mountain regions may maintain biodiversity through significant climate change in ‘refugia’: locations where components of diversity retreat to and expand from during periods of unfavorable climate (Keppel et al., 2012). Paleoecological studies can describe the context for which biodiversity persisted through time climate refugia. Third, the paleoecological approach is especially suited for long-lived organisms. For example, a tree species that may typically reach reproductive sizes only after 50 years and remain fertile for 300 years, will experience only 30 to 200 generations since colonizing a location after Holocene warming about 11,000 years ago. Thus, by summarizing community change through multiple generations and natural disturbance events, paleoecological studies can examine the resilience of ecosystems to disturbances in the past, showing how many ecosystems recover quickly while others may not (Willis et al., 2010).
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Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture
Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture
This book is an introduction to the study of artefacts, setting them in a social context rather than using a purely scientific approach. Drawing on a range of different cultures and extensively illustrated, Archaeological Artefacts and Material Culture covers everything from recovery strategies and recording procedures to interpretation through typology, ethnography and experiment, and every type of material including wood, fibers, bones, hides and adhesives, stone, clay, and metals. With over seventy illustrations with almost fifty in full colour, this book not only provides the tools an archaeologist will need to interpret past societies from their artefacts, but also a keen appreciation of the beauty and tactility involved in working with these fascinating objects. This is a book no archaeologist should be without, but it will also appeal to anybody interested in the interaction between people and objects.
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L'ascesa del drago
L'ascesa del drago
Fuoco e sangue, il motto di Casa Targaryen, è un sigillo di potere, e una terribile condanna. Cavalcare i draghi conferisce una forza travolgente, che tuttavia può divorare se stessa. Questa sontuosa storia visiva, con oltre 150 nuove illustrazioni a colori, è una straordinaria introduzione a Casa Targaryen, l'iconica famiglia al centro della serie prequel di Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon. Ripercorrendo le vicende contenute nel suo epico volume Fuoco e sangue, George R.R. Martin narra l'ascesa del dominio Targaryen: dalla sanguinosa conquista di Westeros a opera di Aegon I e delle sue sorelle ai matrimoni incestuosi e ai contrasti con il Credo o le casate nobiliari; dai fasti di Jaehaerys e Alysanne alla sadica ferocia di Maegor il Crudele. Pestilenze, complotti, nozze, razzie, tornei e banchetti si alternano con ritmo incalzante, accompagnando il lettore nei costumi di Westeros. Il tutto converge inesorabile verso la Danza dei Draghi, lo spaventoso scontro fratricida all'interno della stessa famiglia reale per la successione al trono, nel quale draghi danzeranno in cielo, lottando contro altri draghi.
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Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Second Edition
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Second Edition
In Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Robert M. Emerson, Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw present a series of guidelines, suggestions, and practical advice for creating useful fieldnotes in a variety of settings, demystifying a process that is often assumed to be intuitive and impossible to teach. Using actual unfinished notes as examples, the authors illustrate options for composing, reviewing, and working fieldnotes into finished texts. They discuss different organizational and descriptive strategies and show how transforming direct observations into vivid descriptions results not simply from good memory but from learning to envision scenes as written. A good ethnographer, they demonstrate, must learn to remember dialogue and movement like an actor, to see colors and shapes like a painter, and to sense moods and rhythms like a poet. This new edition reflects the extensive feedback the authors have received from students and instructors since the first edition was published in 1995. As a result, they have updated the race, class, and gender section, created new sections on coding programs and revising first drafts, and provided new examples of working notes. An essential tool for budding social scientists, the second edition of Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes will be invaluable for a new generation of researchers entering the field.
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Language and Literacy in Inquiry-Based Science Classrooms, Grades 3-8
Language and Literacy in Inquiry-Based Science Classrooms, Grades 3-8
This hands-on resource offers a wealth of strategies aligned with national science education standards, including sample lessons for integrating reading instruction into inquiry-based science classrooms.
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