This is by far the most comprehensive accounting of the games of this brilliant chess player: an exhaustive catalog the result of many years of digging--an effort unparalleled in the history of chess game collections. Many of the games are annotated by Alekhine and range from his earliest correspondence tournaments in 1902 through his final match with Francisco Lupi at Estoril, Portugal, in January 1946.
Classic guide provides intriguing entertainment while elucidating sound scientific principles, with more than 100 unusual stunts: cold fire, dust explosions, a nylon rope trick, a disappearing beaker, much more.
Many retinal and optic nerve disorders have no effective therapy, or are treated incompletely and with considerable side effects. Recent advances have suggested the significant benefits associated with neuroprotection - that is, when treatment strategies are directed to photoreceptors, retinal ganglion cells, or other neural targets. Enter Ocular N