Is Divine Healing For Today?
Divine healing is a controversial subject with some people and some denominations. Many theologians disagree on this subject. There are so many sick in the world today. We cannot seem to build enough hospitals. Even with the latest technical advances and discoveries, there are still diseases, sicknesses, and malfunctions of the human body that people of science and medicine cannot understand nor prescribe a cure remedy. Many of the sick people are in the church. Illness does not seem just to plague churchless people, but the church going including even Bible believers seem to be just as ill as the people that have nothing to do with God and His church. The book is an outgrowth of a syllabus that the writer spent over seven months studying, categorizing, and outlining what the Bible itself has to say about healing. The history books were not consulted. The popular and non-popular books of famous people on healing were not sought. The writer does not have all the answers, but he does have some good answers. The library of Sixty-six books has been used. This Book is meant to be presented with biblical material from the stance of the “middle of road”. Is there still any hope for the incurable and curable disease being remedied? Does the Christian believer, that believer in the efficacy of the blood of Jesus, the virgin birth, the soon return of our Lord, and the resurrection of the dead, have any hope for the wellness of his physical being? Has the God of miracles, the creator, the maker of the most wonderful machine ever made (the body), the calmer of the winds and the waves, the sea walker, the healer in sacred writ, ceased to do his historical deeds in this modern day! In 2 Kings chapter 2:14, Elisha in seeking God’s remedy said, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” The subsequent words will mainly present what the ancient book, the Bible, has to say about this subject. Is Divine Healing for Today? Let us come, look together, and spend some time examining what the Word says.