Maths Quest 8 for Victoria 3E Teacher Edition and EGuidePLUS
The third edition of Maths Quest 8 for Victoria is a comprehensive text designed to meet the requirements of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). The student textbook contains the following new features: * clear new design * judicious use of ICT resources * a numeracy chapter * two chapters on problem solving * Individual pathways activities for every section of every chapter * a Hungry brain class activity for each chapter * two new ProjectsPLUS activities * interactivities * eLessons. The textbook continues to offer the following award-winning features: * full colour with stimulating photographs and graphics * a glossary to enhance mathematical literacy * an introductory set of questions at the start of each chapter to help establish the students' current level of understanding. Each question is supported with a SkillSHEET to explain the concept involved and provide extra practice if needed. * carefully graded exercises with many skill and application problems, including multiple-choice questions * easy-to-follow worked examples in the Think-Write format * cross-references throughout exercises to relevant worked examples * comprehensive chapter reviews including new problem solving questions * interactive end-of-chapter tests * eBookPLUS references throughout to direct students and teachers to relevant online material. The teacher edition contains everything in the student edition package plus: * answers printed in red next to most questions in exercises * eGuidePLUS. This title features eGuidePLUS which is provided FREE with the textbook, but is also available for purchase separately. eGuidePLUS is an electronic version of the textbook and a complementary set of targeted digital resources. These flexible and engaging ICT activities are available to you online at the JacarandaPLUS website ( Your eGuidePLUS resources include: * ProjectsPLUS - unique ICT-based projects that provide opportunities for students to demonstrate creativity, thinking skills and teamwork * the entire textbook in electronic format * Individual pathways activities to assist in the differentiated classroom * WorkSHEETs - Word documents designed for easy customisation and editing * SkillSHEETs, interactive activities and a wealth of ICT resources * interactive revision tests * chapter tests designed for easy customisation and editing * curriculum grid. Click to view Maths Quest 8 for Victoria 3E eGuidePLUS.