Screw Your Courage
The rainbow nation of South Africa, is teetering on the brink of the new Millennium accompanied by the sound of outraged toyi-toyi-ing protesting over unemployment, lack of housing, taxi violence, police handlers and their dogs. So, visibly all is as usual, but under the surface something fearful is brewing, seemingly unnoticed except by Mr. Torrington, head of Intelligence. He is alerted and alarmed by a series of strange events. He has a preposterous theory, which he relates to David Soames, a nuclear scientist. Soames doesn't believe the outlandish nonsense, but two men are Dead; two more, both eminent scientists, have vanished. Unwillingly he agrees to investigate. When Joella Martin, the love of David's life, becomes involved, drawn into a dangerous situation Torrington knows in his gut that time is running out. Within each person exists courage and resourcefulness never guessed at until needed. As the action moves from South Africa to Israel and on to Egypt, David and Joella find both, when separately they face death until Torrington finds the last fiendish filament, which completes the brilliant web which has been years in the spinning… This is a light hearted, romantic thriller, which looks at an all too possible, dire threat to the whole world.