Accelerator Physics
Research and development of high energy accelerators began in 1911. Since then, milestones achieved are: (1) development of high gradient dc and rf accelerators,(2) achievement of high field magnets with excellent field quality,(3) discovery of transverse and longitudinal beam focusing principles,(4) invention of high power rf sources,(5) improvement of ultra-high vacuum technology,(6) attainment of high brightness (polarized/unpolarized) electron/ionsources,(7) advancement of beam dynamics and beam manipulation schemes, such as beam injection, accumulation, slow and fast extraction, beam damping and beam cooling, instability feedback, laser-beam interaction and harvesting instability for high brilliance coherent photon source. The impacts of the accelerator development are evidenced by the many ground-breaking discoveries in particle and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, biology, biomedical physics, nuclear medicine, medical therapy, and industrial processing. This book is intended to be used as a graduate or senior undergraduate textbook in accelerator physics and science. It can be used as preparatory course material in graduate accelerator physics thesis research. The text covers historical accelerator development, transverse betatron motion, synchrotron motion, an introduction to linear accelerators, and synchrotron radiation phenomena in low emittance electron storage rings, introduction to special topics such as the free electron laser and the beam-beam interaction. Attention is paid to derivation of the action-angle variables of the phase space, because the transformation is important for understanding advanced topics such as the collective instability and nonlinear beam dynamics. Each section is followed by exercises, which are designed to reinforce concepts and to solve realistic accelerator design problems. Contents:Introduction:Historical DevelopmentsLayout and Components of AcceleratorsAccelerator ApplicationsTransverse Motion:Hamiltonian for Particle Motion in AcceleratorsLinear Betatron MotionEffect of Linear Magnet ImperfectionsOff-Momentum OrbitChromatic AberrationLinear CouplingNonlinear ResonancesCollective Instability and Landau DampingSynchro-Betatron HamiltonianSynchrotron Motion:Longitudinal Equation of MotionAdiabatic Synchrotron MotionRF Phase and Voltage ModulationsNonadiabatic and Nonlinear Synchrotron MotionBeam Manipulation in Synchrotron Phase SpaceFundamentals of RF SystemsLongitudinal Collective InstabilitiesIntroduction to Linear AcceleratorsPhysics of Electron Storage Rings:Fields of a Moving Charged ParticleRadiation Damping and ExcitationEmittance in Electron Storage RingsSpecial Topics in Beam Physics:Free Electron Laser (FEL)Beam-Beam InteractionClassical Mechanics and Analysis:Hamiltonian DynamicsStochastic Beam DynamicsModel Independent AnalysisNumerical Methods and Physical Constants:Fourier TransformCauchy Theorem and the Dispersion RelationUseful Handy FormulasMaxwell's EquationsPhysical Properties and Constants Readership: Accelerator, high-energy, nuclear, plasma and applied physicists.