Living with Grief
The authors* in Living with Grief: 36 Lessons from Life share with us their experiences of profound grief. They do not offer comfortable platitudes; they do not recommend simplistic methods of cleaning the mind of sorrow or the heart of pain. Instead, they chronicle their own ongoing struggles with grief. They tell us that they have learned, above all, not to try to banish grief, but to live with it and learn from it. They tell us that grief is real. And they tell us that our lives can still be meaningful, even though we have suffered the deepest loss. The anthology is one example of a bereavement sanctuary. In this literary environment, the authors explore grief on their own terms. Readers may do the same. Here, you may immerse yourself in a variety of grieving experiences, as well as comforting and nurturing ones, and emerge intact, with an enhanced ability to consider life and death. You will learn from this book that it is possible to live with grief, should you care to do so. Inspiration exists here in case you ever require it to make your own journeys of discovery into grief and mourning. *Additional Authors: Stacey Bailey, Annie Frogley, Polly Giantonio, Dale Hird, Daniel Levine, Cheryl Olczak, Nancy Peet, Judy Pierce, Victor Robinson, Hazel Rose, Jan Warner. Cover Paintings: Friends Along the Road and Spirit Rising by Wendy Zeigler