The Core Network for 5G Advanced
The Core Network for 5G Advanced, Second Edition covers up to the 3GPP release 17 & 18 which includes the core network for 5G Advanced as well as a large number of new features added by 3GPP to expand the initial 5G Core specifications in rel-15/16. This new release includes A complete update to reflect developments in Releases 17 and 18, along with new chapters on Service Exposure, non-3GPP access, 3GPP access for new use cases, Edge computing, Industry and Enterprise features, Regulatory services and Network automation and AI/ML, an overview of the 5G Core Architecture, and much more.Examples of 5G network deployment options for different use cases are also included. Written by authors who are heavily involved in the development of 5G standards, and who have written several successful books on 4G and 5G Core Networks, this book provides an authoritative reference on the technologies and standards of the 3GPP 5G Core network. - Provides a clear, concise, and comprehensive view of the Core Network for 5G Advanced - Explains key concepts and use cases - Covers 3GPP specification content, up to, and including release 18 - Presents examples of new content, including Service Exposure, features for Industry use cases, Automation and AI/ML - Written by established experts in the 5G Core standardization process, all of whom have extensive experience and understanding of its goals, history and vision