Gathers interviews with Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Ronald Reagan, Norman Schwarzkopf, Ross Perot, Mike Tyson, Mikhail Gorbachev, Oliver North, Arthur Ashe, Whoopi Goldberg, and Marlon Brando
Larry Kent's old buddy Jim Calloway was murdered over a woman ... so they said. But who was the woman? No one seemed to know--not even Jim's killer. Larry suspected the woman was just a diversion. There was another reason for Jim's death. And just maybe it had something to do with his job with the Narcotics Bureau. Only thing was, Jim was a minor official at the Bureau, no one with any clout, just a desk-jockey. One thing for certain. There were people out there--important people--who wanted to bury the case. And if they couldn't kill Larry to stop him investigating, then just maybe they could send him to Cuba in search of a missing man. After all, he'd be easier to rub out in a foreign country ... (Book 540)
It began when Larry Kent's old boss at the CIA asked him to come back for one more assignment - to a kill a double-agent who also happened to be one of his closest friends. Larry couldn't go through with it ... and it was just as well that he didn't, because nothing was as it appeared to be. An enemy of the United States had perfected a terrifying mind-manipulation drug - and after that, it became Larry's job to find out just who that enemy was. The trail took him first to Mexico City, then on to Australia, where he met up with an old love ... and an even older enemy, who wanted him dead! (Book 703)