Fundrai$ing for Honor$
To many honors administrators, fundraising is alien and frightening. This monograph is directed primarily to honors deans and directors, who have widely varying experience with fundraising. It may also be useful reading for those staff members, faculty, and development officers who have some responsibility for honors fundraising. It focuses on what the honors academic leader can bring to fundraising efforts. Because many honors administrators face fundraising with inexperience, dread, and even hostility, the author has organized the work developmentally, beginning with the easiest stages of initiation and progressing toward greater challenges. Honors leaders more experienced in fundraising may choose to skim over the early parts to arrive at sections more relevant to their level of experience. Readers, of course, may consult only those topics with which they are least familiar. Other sources, some listed in the bibliography, can provide a more analytic breakdown of the different aspects of fundraising planning, procedure, and management. Some offer detailed instruction and advice on such topics as writing a good case statement. The structure this author has chosen to use reflects his own learning process as he moved from a faculty member utterly innocent of fundraising to an experienced dean reasonably comfortable with all aspects of the process. The following chapters are presented: (1) Baby Steps: Getting Started; (2) Finding the Pace: Increasing the Momentum; and (3) Bold Strides: Becoming a Pro! Appended are the following: (1) Glossary; (2) NCHC E-mail Survey, Fall 2007; (3) Sample Documents; and (4) Annotated Bibliography.