Kalyana Mitra: Volume 7
Volume VII, Religion and Philosophy: A Religious and Philosophical study contains 35 articles contributed by expert scholars in Religious and Philosophical studies. The topics cover broadly on the Buddhist, Jain, and Hinduism. The topics covered include Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Literature, revival of Buddhism, Development of Jainism in South India, Advaita Vedanta, Saivism in medieval India, Saiva sects like Kalamukha, Bhakti Movement, Teachings of Narayana Guru and Muslim religious aspects of Kashmir.The volume serves as source book to the students, research scholars and teachers of Indian religious and philosophical studies in historical studies. This volume also highlights the love and affection of Prof. P. Chenna Reddy enjoys in the intellectual world. The felicitation Volume is brought out in a series of 12 independent books covering a total of 460 articles. Every volume contains two sections. The first section contains the biographical sketch of Prof. P. Chenna Reddy, his achievements and contribution to archaeology, history and Society. The second section of each volume is subject specific.