Designing a Document Strategy
Finding ways to reduce costs is difficult but the latest books from MC2 Books, Designing a Document Strategy by Kevin Craine has the cure. This book tells managers how to better manage the process that consumes paper, toner, and manpower in every business environment. In support of the book, Craine has unveiled a support website,, offering a preview of the coverage. While there are many books on business strategy and workflow, few tackle the lifeblood of business, the document. Designing a Document Strategy targets managers, technicians and consultants who see the benefit and cost savings inherent in implementing a document strategy. The clearly defined five-phase process can be tailored to any environment. It includes Cause-effect diagrams, flow charts, and ROI formulas that can be copied and put into use. Case examples demonstrate application of the theories in the real world, leading to meaningful and informed action. Regardless of their final recommendations, readers will be more likely to bring about real-world, bottom-line benefits. There is no better educational resource on designing a document strategy than this book. Book reviewers in the document industry give it rave reviews.