Teacher-parent Partnerships to Enhance School Success in Early Childhood Education
This publication discusses issues of parent-teacher partnerships that affect children's development. An introductory chapter suggests that the central figures in fostering the development of a child's potential are the significant adults in the child's world. Chapter 2 considers family relationships as prototypes for later partnerships, and lists several family attributes, such as love, communication, and commitment, that promote partnerships. Chapter 3 lists attributes of parents and teachers that promote parent-teacher partnerships, and explains several paradigms of parent and teacher involvement in family and school. Chapter 4 stresses the importance of establishing partnerships during the child's early years, and warns of the dangers of degrading partnerships for at-risk parents. Chapter 5 suggests a framework for teacher-parent partnerships and offers examples of successful partnership programs. The chapter also suggests partnership strategies, including home visits, training programs, conferences, newsletters, efforts to welcome parents, homework activities, and the involvement of parents in decision making. Chapter 6 addresses the topics of evaluation of partnerships, role conflicts and confrontation within partnerships, cultural differences as learning experiences, and support for at-risk families. Chapter 7 discusses issues concerning the process of strengthening families and schools. A bibliography of 130 items is included. (BC)