Current Topics in Management 2002
This annual series presents fundamental research on the theory and practice of management. Volume 7 contains articles presented at the 2001 meeting of the International Conferences on Advances in Management (ICAM), held in Athens, Greece. ICAM's goal is to be truly comparative-in terms of the broad scope of management perspectives, in the broad-ranging locations of its research as well as its application, and in its comparisons of findings, methodologies, and operational definitions. This volume exemplifies ICAM's objectives. Part 1, "Organization Theory, Learning, and Effectiveness," revisits the management theory jungle, reports on the development organizational learning capabilities in Europe, encourages organizational learning through cultural diversity, and reviews the role of corporate parent . Part 2, "Behavior and Attitudes in Organizations," considers the relationships of religion to organizational citizenship and whistle-blowing behaviors, identifies antecedents of misbehavior among nurses and social welfare workers, and uses process framework as a method to depict encroaching processes and change in organizations. Part 3, "International and Cross-Cultural Management," looks at various issues of management abroad. Topics include the dimensions and levels of power bases and their relationships to subordinates' compliance and satisfaction in the U.S. and South Korea, the relationship between empowerment and quality of work life in Mexico, and case studies of organizational intellectual capital in China. Part 4, "Management in the Public Sector," turns attention to efforts to recognize and build on differences in public administration. Part 5, "Managing Human Resources," addresses the nature of researcher values in human resource management and considers recent publications in mainstream human resources in order to isolate the patterns of research. Part 6, "Role of Research in Management," discusses the need for processual thinking. It presents a list of factors contrasting two views of management: the classical view, and the "process view of management." This volume will be of particular interest to corporate executives, economists, and labor studies specialists. M. Afzalur Rahim is founding editor of the International Journal of Organizational Analysis and International Journal of Conflict Management, and is professor of management at Western Kentucky University. Robert T. Golembiewski is distinguished research professor at the University of Georgia, and has authored or edited over seventy-five books. Kenneth D. Mackenzie is the Edmund P. Learned Distinguished Professor and president of Mackenzie and Company. He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and several books.