Remedy: The Formula for an Evolving Human Performance Culture
Don't find fault, find a remedy. ~ Henry Ford Companies are driven to create a highly-effective human performance culture; they must have a strategy to ensure all activities include a healthy appreciation for—and recognition of human performance. Remedy: The Formula for an Evolving Human Performance Culture bringsa broad overview of human performance to the workplace. Five contributors discuss their findings from diverse industrial sectors and a broad spectrum of human performance-related fields spanning a cumulative 150 years. Organized in three distinct parts, Remedy stands out as a rigorous, experience-based collective of knowledge, which provides an authoritative compendium of principles and best practices to improve productivity, performance, and safety in the workplace—featuring five best-in-field thinkers and practitioners across several disciplines—each building on core areas to improve human performance through first understanding the concept. The pages that follow show how to analyze and improve quality and safety with the use of instructional design and training, intervention, implementation, and measured evaluation. Remedy is intended for human performance improvement practitioners – managers and executives – working in industries prioritizing safety and error reduction. Leaders in energy, aviation, medicine, construction, etc., will find clear examples and critical points for leaders in the Human Performance industry who are having difficulty introducing or sustaining human performance in their organization. *** David Bowman, Todd Brumfield, Ken Hallaran, James Merlo, and Dave Sowers make up the Executive Team at KnowledgeVine. With 150-plus years of experience within the Human Performance (HP) Industry, the team has compiled their best practices into REMEDY: The Formula for an Evolving Human Performance Culture. Founded in 2014, KnowledgeVine is committed to reducing the frequency and severity of workplace errors by helping organizations across the United States implement Human Performance Improvement technologies. KnowledgeVine has taught HP and leadership methodologies to numerous industries, including utility generation facilities, electrical distribution and transmission, control centers, oil and gas pipelines, vegetation companies, public service groups, and the medical industry. KnowledgeVine has trained tens of thousands of individuals engaged in HP culture. KnowledgeVine has adapted Human Performance to various industries and leverages the latest technology to help its clients achieve a safe, efficient, and evolving work environment. If you are interested in learning more about their training and technologies, please visit Read less