Rebuilding the Village
The Big Question: Will mankind ever achieve global brotherhood? Is such a noble goal an inevitable and natural progression of our societal evolution? One would not think such a dream is even possible if their view of the future is being formulated by listening to the evening news, or for that matter, religious folks (who should be the ones enthusiastically embracing such an honorable, even biblical hope). My friend, Roger Winters says, "I think it is possible for humanity to live in unity. However creation came about - there must have been purpose and hope that we would exist as one race in a peaceful way. I have to believe that we were created with purpose, to love and nurture the human race. After all, we are at our best when we serve others unconditionally." Chuck Gibbs, from Spokane, Washington says, "If it weren't possible, no humans could ever live in harmony, as families, groups, or communities. Of course it is possible; the lower energy mind sets must shift, however." Shifting is precisely what they are doing, and on a much larger fashion than many are aware of. Come with me, as we explore our possible future. It's an optimistic and adventurous journey, but "someone has to do it."