Divine Action
In Divine Action, Keith Ward, a philosopher, theologian, and scholar, examines the role of Divine operation and Divine providence in a world of scientific law and intelligibility. Defending the Christian doctrine of the incarnation, Ward is equally concerned with the "big questions" in science and religion-those concerning existence, purpose, and inner process. He reflects on the recent resurgence of naturalism in philosophy alongside an analysis of freedom and necessity, the origins of suffering, constraints of creation, prayer as participation in Divine action, miracles as epiphanies of the spirit, Divine nature and human nature, and redemption. With rigorous scientific research and scholarship and attention to faith traditions in addition to Christianity, Keith Ward presents an intellectual counterpoint to today's antispirituality arguments. In studying what is involved in the idea of creation and particular Divine actions, he offers a rationale for Divine operation as a continuous conversation in the natural world. Book jacket.