The 2017 Literary Review Date Book
"the 2017 literary review date book" is a 2016 poetry and brief prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of select materials accepted for 2016 issues through cc&d magazine ( and Down in the Dirt magazine ( All writing in this collection appears on one page of the book (the left-sided page), while one week of the 2017 calendar appears on the right-hand page. (This annual calendar from Scars Publications includes U.S. holidays plus U.K./Scotland/Ireland holidays in the weekly date book listing.)Writers and artists included in this book are A.J. Huffman, Alexander Jones, Alicia Berdeguez, Allan Onik, Ben Macnair, Blake Corrao, Brandy Combs, Brian Looney, C. D. Wight, Casey Powers, CEE, Charles Hayes, Chris Johnson, Corey+Cook, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel M. Shapiro, David Lester Young, Delilah Prosperousrose Mela, Denny E. Marshall, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Dr (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Drew Brashaw, Elizabeth Harper, Emory Jones, Eric Allen Yanke, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, Frank De Canio, George Gott, Gregg Dotoli, I.B. Rad, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuyper, Jaron Camp, Jeanette Brune, Jo Thomoson, Joann Spencer, John Grey, John Zedolik, Josh Bennett, Joshua Sinclair, JoyAnne O'Donnel, Julie Ramos, Katie Moore, Kayla Cordone, Kayla Katsuda, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kerem Granados, Kristen Welker, Laura A. Steeb, Liam C. Calhoun, Liam Spencer, Linda Golden, Lindsey Loyd, Marc Livanos, Mark J. Mitchell, Marlon Jackson, Melissa Baskerville, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Lee Johnson, Moshe Prigan, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Rain QuietStormPoet Cooper, Richard Schnap, Robert Weinberg, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Ryan V. Stewart, Shane, Simon Perchik, Stephen Toft, Steve De France, Susan J. Rogers, Taylor Cornell, Tracy Blake, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci (with art), Valorie Kristen Ruiz, Victor Pearn, Wesley Furukido, and Xanadu..