Karl Rahner's Writings on Literature, Music and the Visual Arts
Foreword -- Introduction: Karl Rahner, Theology and the Arts -- Part 1 Prelude - Faith, Culture, Theology, and the Senses -- 1. Faith and Culture -- 2. On the Theology of Books -- 3. God's Word and Human Books -- 4. The Theology of the Symbol -- 5. Seeing and Hearing Part 2 On Literature -- 6. Priest and Poet -- 7. Poetry and the Christian -- 8. On the Task of the Writer in Relation to Christian Living -- 9. On the Greatness and the Plight of the Christian Writer -- Part 3 On Visual Art and Architecture -- 10. Theology and the Arts -- 11. Art against the Horizon of Theology and Piety -- 12. The Theology of the Religious Meaning of Images -- 13. Church Building: On Modern Church Architecture Part 4 On Music -- 14. Word and Music in Church -- 15. What Do the Beatles sing? -- 16. An Ordinary Song Postlude -- 17. Prayer for Creative Thinkers -- Bibliography -- Index.