A Summary of Results of Louisiana White Shrimp Tagging Experiments, 1977
"The shrimp fishery in the Gulf and Atlantic coastal states is considered to be the most valuable fishery in the United States. The Gulf of Mexico has been the major production area for shrimp in the United States, accounting for approximately 80% of the total value of shrimp landed in this country. The directed shrimp fishery in the Gulf of Mexico harvests brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus.), white shrimp (P. setiferus), and pink shrimp (P. duorarum). Of these species, brown shrimp account for approximately 53% of total production, while white and pink shrimp account for 26% and 15%, respectively. The state of Louisiana is the center of white shrimp production. In 1977, there were over 14 million kilograms (31.3 million pounds) of white shrimp (heads-off weight) landed at commercial businesses in Louisiana (USDOC, 1979). In 1977, NMFS contracted with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to tag and release white shrimp in the Caillou Lake estuary system, in response to management priorities identified in the regional shrimp fishery management plan for the Gulf of Mexico (Christmas and Etzold, 1977). These priorities included the determination of estimates regarding growth rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns characterizing major penaeid stocks in the Gulf of Mexico. This report presents a summary of these mark-recapture experiments"--Introduction.