The Economy of Salvation
"Over the last four decades, the focus of M. Douglas Meeks's work has placed him at the centre of many of the most important developments in theological reflection and education. As a political, ecclesial, and metaphorical theologian, Meeks has givenwitness to the oikonomia of the triune God, the Homemaker who creates the conditions of Home for the whole of creation, in critical conversation with contemporary economic, social, and political theory. The essays of this volume were written to honour Meeks, Cal Turner Chancellor Professor Emeritus of Theology at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, by addressing the theme of God's economy of salvation from biblical, historical, ecclesial, and theological perspectives. In an age of ecologicaldevastation and economic injustice, Meeks teaches us how to place our hope - as disciples of Jesus, as members of local congregations, as stewards of institutional life, and as global citizens - in God's power for life over death through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. These essays will serve to enliven and clarify this hope for the sake of the world God so loves."