About the book: This book explains the STUFF we carry each day that can prevent our blessings due to unforgiveness in our hearts. What a blessing if we would let go of some of the STUFF that will eventually smell or even rot - our spiritual self or the environment around us. By relieving and removing the STUFF in our lives, even if it's just a step at a time, at least we are moving forward. This book focuses on getting rid of material and spiritual 'STUFF' both physically and mentally that drags us back from being free. Julia Kaleem provides simple but practical advice on what to do to clean your home from unnecessary collections of 'things' and provides alliteration to spiritual matters we may still hold on to. Scriptures from the Holy Bible provide alliteration to her explanations. Taking the first step to clean up your possessions, to forgive and forget past trespasses, will provide relief and give you a positive feeling of power when you are no longer required to take care of STUFF or to keep the emotional baggage around. Smile and give yourself a hug! About the author: Julia Kaleem was born in Vero Beach, Florida, and graduated from Carver High School in Montgomery, Alabama. Later, she joined the Job Corps, located in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and then joined the U.S. Army (1975) as a Telecommunication Specialist working for Military Intelligence in Primasen, Germany. Julia has traveled worldwide, just to mention a few, including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, California, New Orleans, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, Tennessee, California, Utah, Alabama, Mississippi, Maryland, and Virginia preaching the gospel. Julia received her call into ministry in 1978 and was ordained in 1982 under her former pastor, the late Pastor Georgianna Smith, Grace Tabernacle Church, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Kaleem was ordained under Bishop Willie Dunn, Jr. (a Baptist Pastor at the time), the presiding prelate of The World-Wide Gospel Church, Inc., located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Julia is versed in multiple and diverse denominations. She teaches, preaches, and officiates for weddings in Virginia. Julia has a love for all, especially the youth and elderly, on whom she leaves an impact that will not be forgotten. Julia obtained her education at Austin Peay State University, where she majored in Business Administration and Children's Education, and later attended Strayer University in Alexandria, Virginia, studying Business Acquisition. In addition to this book, she has published six other books, including her poem, "Are We Really Different?" in the books "The Sketches of My Soul," and "Beyond the Horizon," (published in the National Library of Poetry) and her recently published 'Quotes of Glory, ' 'Smell the Dust, ' 'Paining, But Still I Paint, ' 'You and I Can Get up Again, ' 'Focus, ' "Hurt," all found on Amazon. Her books can also be found and purchased (PayPal) and through her website at the following link: She believes if you would just P.A.I.N.T. (Pray And Ignore Negative Thoughts), as she has written about in her first book, you can succeed ... and while succeeding ... give yourself a BIG HUG and a SMILE. Visit the author's website at: http: //