Historic Indiana
"The history of Indiana is rich in minor incidents of real interest and of importance; but not in events exclusively its own. . . . The intention of this book is to include in a single volume an account of various phases of the development of the Commonwealth, whose history must be learned from many sources, not always accessible. Many who have not time for research, and others who have no taste for reading history, may take an interest in the romance of foreign dominion on the Wabash, and in the plain tale of the early settlers. Some may have aroused within them a just pride in their State, in reading of Indiana's valiant part in war, the development or her vast natural resources, and the advanced position which she has taken among the states in provisions for universal education, and the enactment of beneficial laws. The author's lifelong familiarity with the scenes, the characters, the movements, and the events mentioned, insures to the reader a sympathetic treatment of the subject. Fireside recitals by aged pioneers, addresses at old settlers' meetings, local historical society papers, reminiscences of early citizens, State records, scholarly monographs and histories have all gone to the making of these pages.--Excerpt from Preface.