Steward Leadership
Steward leadership is a form of leadership that focuses on others, the community and society at large, rather than the self. Many senior leaders and executives across the globe appear to ‘naturally’ move into a stewardship mindset at a ripe age or when their careers have matured, whereas executives of around 30 years old, on average, are typically focused on their personal self-interests. The authors of Steward Leadership: a maturational perspective, who teach MBA courses around the world, wondered how to develop stewards at younger ages and set about creating a framework for stewardship and its requisite behaviour. Their research was conducted among a group of MBA students, testing nine stewardship attributes: personal vision, personal mastery, vulnerability and maturity, risk-taking and experimentation, mentoring, raising awareness, shared vision, valuing diversity, and delivering results. The outcome of the study, which is explored in this book, provides a base-line of attitudes which were tested against various demographic variables. In addition, the authors interviewed industry leaders from around the world to gauge their perspectives on and experience with the concept of stewardship and some of its dimensions, to gain qualitative insights. The results of their research provide the theoretical as well as consulting tools with which organisations can develop stewards, whether through training programmes, mentoring programmes, coaching initiatives and/or personal development practices. The authors believe that stewardship is a more viable and indeed better alternative to current leadership concepts. This book provides a roadmap by which contemporary and upcoming leaders can be guided into developing their leadership abilities – and become the stewards of the future.