Abstract Musings
Abstract Musings is a collection of poetical verse where honest feelings are unveiled as disclosed from the imagination of the author. Inspiring works are, offered, inviting open-mindedness as repetitive messages, flow, exposing truth of life where not all is pure and wonderful. Very often rhythmic words combine to form haunting images, revealing belief that everything is mystically possible, yet, sometimes horribly insufferable. Much of this poetry reflects ideals inciting fate as reality on a journey through designated vistas. Many show that, moments of fear obliterate hope, telling we must offer heart-felt prayers to GOD asking to, be shown a new path to our destined eternity. Throughout this book faith is, revealed as uppermost always, testifying to our Creator's power over HIS scientific domain. Existence and illusion intertwined invariably by love or loss are recurring themes explored intuitively in, these writings. Two of Judith's newest poems, "Castles of Sand" and "Crystal Beaches", are examples of the author's passionate cries voicing inequality for mankind, with greed totally violating harmonious guardianship of our Earth. They were, penned mid 2010 after the devastation caused to the world by corrupt governments, big banks, and big corporations (particularly BP) was, realized. Abstract Musings correlates social and moral conscience, deigned through thought and vision by a questing soul, displayed lyrically within the pages of this volume.