The Whispering Seeds
The Whispering Seeds is a heartfelt work, and it is the outcome of innumerable lessons conducted and learned over time and practicum in English language classrooms in Ecuador, Brooklyn, NYC, Costa Rica, and Indonesia. However, The Whispering Seeds was created in stunningly beautiful Ecuador! What Ecuadorian educators achieved is a classroom practice that represents the sincere work of many Ecuadorian students who were of different levels in their ability to communicate in English, as well as an assortment of insight-gains, understandings, meaningful communication, joy, enthusiasm and cooperation. The Whispering Seeds is primarily the result of the wisdom and insight of two Ecuadorian teachers: Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz. Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz had attended and dedicated so much of their time to many different English classes and training sessions, as well as other encounters that helped to prepare them for eventually accomplishing this educational project. Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz traveled and worked at Centro Espiral Mana - now also known as the Institute for Collaborative Learning - in Costa Rica. The learning experiences they had occurred in 2005 and 2012 for Ernesto and in 2007 for Eugenia were integral to developing their skills as educators of the English language in Ecuador. Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz had the privilege to undergo _intensive training_ on how to improve their performance as teachers with Ms. Mary Scholl. Ms. Mary Scholl is the director and founder of Centro Espiral Mana and the Institute for Collaborative Learning which gives aspiring educators the opportunity to hone their pedagogical skills by working with real students who genuinely come to learn and further improve themselves in the English language. Being in Costa Rica and working with Ms. Mary Scholl is an experience that demonstrates the values and benefits of working in a student-centered class. At the Institute for Collaborative Learning, multi-sensory activities including manipulatives, collaboration, and heartfelt discussion nurture an environment of creativity and self-exploration! Doesn't this encompass all forms of learning? Ernesto Munoz, Eugenia Proano and Peter Lindo think so, and allow this to be a major element in their classes These activities all support student acquisition and use of the target language in whatever language a student may be learning and for whichever language a teacher may be teaching. What was achieved in Ecuador as a means to learn English can be applied to learning any language in so many areas of the world. After returning to Ecuador, Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz were ready to 'step outside' the “comfort zone” of traditional language teaching. They decided to apply what they had learned at the Institute for Collaborative Learning (in Costa Rica) in their classrooms at Universidad Técnica del Norte in Ibarra, Ecuador. They used the procedures they were introduced to with Ms. Scholl, including visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic, and tactile, among other strategies and techniques. Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz worked to apply these methodologies in a student-centered, collaborative environment that promoted mutual support and respect. The Whispering Seeds manifested in time between stellar Ecuadorian educators, enthusiastic Ecuadorian students and a Bermudian educator who was working at a language school in Brooklyn, New York City. The practices, work and guidance of Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz in the classroom were driven by “theories” and “their beliefs” about what would work best for university students to be engaged and motivated in learning a foreign language. It was a time to explore and experiment with more innovative techniques! There was just so much potential! This time of experimentation and exploration that Eugenia Proaño and Ernesto Muñoz did show great potential for the students and teachers. We reflected on our daily teaching practices and re-formed the practice to be more conducive to language. I, Peter Lindo, was learning what was happening in Ecuador and could see the potential that this had for the world. To help bring healing, unity, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and love.