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Creativity and Time: A Sociological Exploration
Creativity and Time: A Sociological Exploration
This book defends that the pursuit of originality constitutes one of the most important characteristics of creativity, but that originality refers, etymologically, to both origin and originary. Hence, the book is structured into two parts, dedicated, respectively, to the creative categories of origin and the creative categories of originary. Within the former are creation myths, games – the origin of all cultural activity, the dialectic chaos-order, axial civilizations – the germ of our time, and the struggle between generations – a factor of social transformation, and, within the second, creative capitalism, creative work in the context of the global economy of risk and uncertainty, and representative democracy. However, these two concepts are not isolated, but deeply interrelated, in a way that explains how creative originality builds a temporal narrative. It has been dislocated in late modernity and, with it, creativity has been broken.
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Lethal Injustice
Lethal Injustice
A decade before Candidate Donald Trump announced his newly acquired obsession with building a wall on the US-Mexico border, investigative journalist Juan B. Botero denounced Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo to the House Ethics Committee because of his bizarre obsession with building a wall “paid for by the Mexican government.” In the summer of 2006, he warned members of Congress and Colorado voters that if Tancredo’s localization of World War II German-Italian fascism into American politics wasn’t derailed, it would trigger a national crisis in a decade. In spite of severe childhood traumas involving Mexicans, the self-appointed Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus refused to recuse himself from shaping US immigration policy and the Ethics Committee did nothing. In June of 2015, Donald Trump announced his Presidential ambitions channeling Tancredo’s anger issues by denigrating Sephardic Jews (Hispanics / Latinos) as “murderers” and “rapists” in hardline, offensive tones. Tancredo’s poisonous mix of vendetta against Mexicans eventually spread from Congress to the Executive Branch through Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller as the moral blueprint for the Trump Administration. Lethal Injustice exposes the corrupt Americanized fascism that hijacked the Party of Lincoln in 2015, atrocities against immigrants by white-supremacist vigilantes on the US-Mexico border, and the unprecedented friendliness of conservative anti-immigrant influencers towards Russia. After 6 years of studying Trump’s astonishing deference towards Vladimir Putin, the shocking conclusion is that he married not one but two honeytraps loyal to Eastern European intelligence: agent of influence Ivana Zelníková Trump from Czechoslovakia and agent of influence Melania Knavs Trump from Slovenia. Trump’s marriage to Melania Knavs was the result of a highly sophisticated kompromat operation set up by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Upon taking the Oath of Office on January 20th of 2017, Donald Trump committed treason by aiding, abetting and advancing a Russian-owned honeytrap to the rank of First Lady of the United States. Unlike her Red Sparrow comrades Anna Chapman Kushchyenko and Maria Valeryevna Butina, Melania Knavs remains at large as the most beautiful, dangerous and strategically placed human intelligence (HUMINT) asset of the former KGB and the greatest failure of American intelligence. Lethal Injustice presents evidence for a criminal investigation of former President Trump for treason. Hiding behind his justification of violence against immigrants, his incitement of violence at the US Capitol on January 6 of 2021 and his steady undermining of America’s global prestige are the mission objectives of sexpionagent Melania Knavs, the superbly trained communist ex-prostitute from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The only way a supermodel, pornographic film actress and commercial sex worker can become First Lady of the United States only 10 years after becoming a US citizen is with the backing of a well-planned and highly orchestrated foreign intelligence operation. Russian President Vladimir Putin summed it up when he boasted that Russian prostitutes are “the best in the world.” Former President Donald Trump must be held accountable for aiding and abetting domestic terrorism, for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) with his family and for misprision of treason against the United States of America by marrying two honeytraps loyal to the interests of the Russian Federation. To review the evidence and perspectives derived from 18 years of research, the documents and exhibits related to the lawsuit filed in Federal District Court, and to understand why their publication has been subjected to massive cyberattacks, go to
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Building a Nation
Building a Nation
This book is the only one of its kind on the market. It deals with one of the most brilliant yet least known Latin American authors, Esteban EcheverrÌa. EcheverrÌa was the author of La Cautiva (The Captive), El Matadero (The Slaughterhouse), and Dogma Socialista (Socialist Dogma) which formed the base of the constitution of the Republic of Argentina. In Building A Nation, Juan Carlos Mercado recovers the figure of EcheverrÌa through an analysis centralized in his work as a poet, thinker, and politician--all as one unit. The study takes into account the many sources, including European ones, that EcheverrÌa used in order to formulate a literary and political national project. Readers of this work will acquire a thorough understanding of the significance of EcheverrÌa's influence--from the introduction of European Romanticism into Argentine Literature; to the initiation of a critical and realistic narrative style never yet seen before in Argentina; to the founding of a liberal-humanist tendency which went on to acquire definitive political shape for the country.
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Guía del buen decir
Guía del buen decir
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Fundacion de La Ciudad de Buenos-Aires
Fundacion de La Ciudad de Buenos-Aires
Reproducción del original
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Recursos marinos de las sociedades prehistóricas
Recursos marinos de las sociedades prehistóricas
La región geohistórica del estrecho de Gibraltar es una zona de gran interés para la evolución humana, como lugar de paso y movilidades de sociedades prehistóricas, entre el norte de África y el sur de Europa. Los recursos naturales marinos de este entorno atlántico-mediterráneo, desde el Algarve a la bahía de Málaga, han sido explotados por las sociedades paleolíticas, neolíticas, protohistóricas y de la Antigüedad. Este libro, coordinado por cuatro prehistoriadores de la Universidad de Cádiz que llevan muchos años trabajando en la región, aborda, desde una perspectiva histórica y diacrónica, el registro de unas prácticas económicas y sociales que se evidencian en las dos orillas del estrecho de Gibraltar, al menos desde hace unos 300.000 años, y que han llegado a configurar un auténtico modo de vida para estas poblaciones. Es un tema que ha tenido un revulsivo de gran alcance al comprobar la existencia de prácticas de marisqueo y de recolección de peces por grupos humanos neandertales en el sur de la península ibérica y por humanos anatómicamente modernos en el norte de África. Durante todo el desarrollo del Paleolítico superior, estas prácticas fueron muy importantes en el estilo de vida de estas sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras, que tuvieron este fuerte componente de explotación de mariscos, peces o ballenas varadas, que llegaron a formar parte destacada de su alimentación y de los que obtenían numerosos recursos utilizados en la vida cotidiana. En las manifestaciones gráficas y artísticas de estas sociedades han quedado expresadas sus evidencias en varias cuevas. En etapas vinculadas a las sociedades neolíticas con modo de producción agropecuario, estas prácticas siguieron teniendo un peso sustancial en la alimentación de estos grupos. El libro ofrece una reflexión sobre este rico patrimonio que merece ser conocido, conservado y difundido como parte importante de nuestra historia.
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