William Withering and the Foxglove
William William Withering's Withering'sclassic, classic, An An account account of of the thefoxglove foxglove . . . . . . , ,was was is is shown shown. . AA number number of of the the letters letters are arein in facsimile facsimileas aswell well as as published publishedexactly exactly two twohundred hundred years years ago. ago. This This book book forms forms transcription. transcription. The The letter letter with with the theOsler Osler page page numbers numbers 198 198to to 201 201 deserves deserves therefore therefore aa bicentennial bicentennial commemoration commemorationof of the the discovery discovery of of special comment. It was written by Dr. Hall Jackson on the the clinical clinical use use of of digitalis digitalis --aa drug drug which which retains retains aa significant significant specialcomment. ItwaswrittenbyDr. HallJacksonon February9th,1786andtoldWitheringthathis'inestimable place place in in the thepractice practice of of medicine medicinetoday. today. That That discovery discovery February 9th, 1786 and told Withering that his 'inestimable treatiseoraccountoftheFoxglove. . . 'had'founditswayto would, would, on onits its own, own, have havemade made Withering's Withering's medical medicalwork work treatise or account of the Foxglove . . . ' had 'found its way to important, important, just just as as his hisslim slim and and delightful delightful book book would would have have this thisremote remote part part of of the the globe'. globe'. Hall Hall]ackson Jacksonwas was writing writingfrom from made made it itmemorable. memorable.