Tenure: How to Earn It
A number of years ago, I became concerned over the number of young assistant professors who were not successfully navigating the tenure process. I saw a number of talented people who experienced what for an academic is major failure-yet was preventable. They were not approaching the tenure process in the right way, they did not have a good strategy for negotiating the process, they were misallocating their time and effort, and I thought perhaps some good fatherly advice from an older professor could be beneficial. When universities do offer seminars on how to make tenure, they really don't address the kinds of things I think are helpful to young professors. They cover information from the faculty handbook, but they can't say some of the hard things that I wanted to say; things which really need to be said. In this book, I present a sure-fire strategy for earning tenure, which will get you off to a strong start in academe, whether you are at a major state or private university or a liberal arts college.