Ruby was designed by Matz, who is also called as Yukihiro Matsumoto. This is a scripting language and it can run on many different platforms like Mac OS, Windows and also different versions of UNIX. Ruby is an object oriented scripting language because even strings and integers are also having intrinsic properties and methods.
Microservices, or very commonly known as Mircoservices Architecture are used for describing the methods and resources that are used for architecture specification achievement. What are the steps followed or how the arrangement of all these resources is done and the design techniques that have been employed for achieving the performance goal and target cost is called as Microservices architecture.
Agile Project Management focuses mainly on the value of the customers first. It is formed by a team who put more attention on the interaction of the team rather than accomplishing. They approach the reality of the current business rather than to plan and follow it. The Agile Manifesto's key principles and organizational practices is what Agile Project Management is based from. The Agile Project Management helps in giving high technicality and value even if you don't have the luxury or a big budget. The good thing is that the principles don't only refer to software development, but it also gives people a way of thinking towards management approach to be able to develop consensus quickly in an environment that is fast-paced.
Python is a programming language that is used for general purposes. It is described as a high-level programming scripting language but may also be put to use for non-scripting contexts. It is different from other programming languages since it embraces code readability and the ability to express programming language using only a few lines of codes. Python intents to create clearer programs for small programming uses as well as for complex and large scale programming use. Python supports several programming concepts: it may be applied to object oriented programming, imperative-styles as well as functional programming.
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