A “Must Read” Divine Revelation of the Life History of Mary and Jesus
The precious life history of Mary and her divine Son, Jesus, is full of striking revelations. It reveals how angels were created as lights (angelic lights), why and how the angelic battle was fought in heaven, and links both Jesus and Mary to the fall of proud Lucifer, who refused the authority of Christ and his Mother. Also revealed and described in detail are: the Immaculate Conception and birth of Mary, the powers given her over the universe before the Annunciation, the mysterious birth of Jesus, the flight to Egypt and what happened there, the Holy Family before Saint Josephs death, how Lucifers powers were clipped each time he failed in his attacks on Mary, the unbreakable ties between Jesus and Mary, and Marys latent role in our salvation, Jesus bitter suffering and death, his Resurrection and his Ascension into heaven, Marys life after the Ascension of Jesus, how Mary protected and guided the apostles and the Church and how she oversaw the writing of the Gospels and Apostles Creed, the holy transition (death) of Mary, her Resurrection and Assumption into heaven after three days, and her subsequent role as dispenser of all Gods graces even to those who ignore and blaspheme Her, and how, no one gets to the Father except through Christ and no one gets to Christ except through Mary, who brought Jesus to us and now brings us to Jesus.