The Poetics of Self-consciousness
"Twentieth-century poetry engages in a highly self-conscious meditation on the nature of poetic language. Spanish poetry, however, has sometimes been considered an exception to this tendency. This book, with its focus on linguistic self-reflexivity, refutes the notion that major Spanish poets such as Jorge Guillen and Vicente Aleixandre are theoretically naive creators. In a series of nuanced readings, Jonathan Mayhew demonstrates the extent to which modern Spanish poets are conscious of their linguistic medium." "Previous books on Spanish poetry published in English have been more limited in scope, usually including poets of a single "generation." The Poetics of Self-Consciousness is the first to study well-known writers of the earlier part of the century along with more recent poets such as Jose Angel Valente, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Jose Maria Alvarez, and Juan Lamillar. Interpreting poetic texts written from the 1920s through the 1980s, Mayhew is able to trace the evolving function of literary self-consciousness in Spanish poetry while remaining attentive to the differences among writers of the same historical moment. The modernist poets of the earlier part of the century are preoccupied by the problem of literary mimesis: the representation of reality through language. In the postwar years, poets turned their attention to the social and ethical dimensions of poetic language. The postmodernists of more recent decades, finally, are increasingly concerned with their own belatedness with respect to cultural traditions of the past." "Critics hailed Jonathan Mayhew's first book, Claudio Rodriguez and the Language of Poetic vision, as an "enlightening and timely book on perhaps Spain's greatest living poet," and "a signal first effort from a critic with high scholarly standards and a penetrating insight into contemporary poetry." With The Poetics of Self-Consciousness: Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry, readers will discover another probing study of other modern and postmodern Spanish poets."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved