Managing People in Today's Law Firm
Despite clear evidence of a serious decline in morale, the major competitors in the law firm management marketplace have virtually ignored the motivational facet of current managerial theory and practice. As evidenced by a review of the literature dealing with law firm management, including major books, handbooks, and professional seminar outlines, there has existed until now no treatment of current management theory and practice as it pertains to law firms. In addressing human resources topics as they apply to the modern law firm, this book fills a genuine void in an area which is of major importance to law firms challenged to remain profitable in an increasingly hostile environment. Managing People in Today's Law Firm: The Human Resources Approach to Surviving Change provides a comprehensive treatment of critical aspects of modern management: motivation, communication, organizational culture, structure and strategy, power and politics, recruitment and training, the reward-performance-retention dynamic, performance appraisal, and planned change. Grounded in managerial theory and research, based on extensive practice, and exemplified by anecdotal war stories, this book makes valuable reading for partners, associates, managers, and future members of law firms—and offers important ideas for motivating members of all professional service firms. Intended for law firms and lawyers within them, solo practitioners who contemplate joining with others in a firm partnership, law school libraries, and general and professional association libraries including bar associations on the state and local levels.