Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences
"The primary aim of this revision of Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences was to update the text, but we also wished to respond to the helpful comments of several anonymous reviewers of the 5th edition, and in so doing, to reorganise the chapters and include significant new material. The main structural changes we have made are to (1) reorder and rewrite several chapters in the first two sections; (2) add three new chapters on working with bacteria, eukaryotic microbes and viruses; and (3) revise the material on use of software and online sources, to refl ect the greater level of knowledge and experience of today's students. In terms of the text itself, we have sought to use more positive phrasing throughout, to emphasise the active nature of learning in this discipline. Some details of further changes and additions are listed on the back cover. The text references and sources for further study have been updated, while the popular study exercises have been retained".