The War of 1812 U.S. War Department Correspondence, 1812-1815
The War of 1812 saw the United States wracked by political dissent and saddled with a problematic military policy. The new nation notably failed in its attempted occupation of Canada in a bid to leverage better treatment from Great Britain but in two and a half years of fighting, there were American victories and defeats, none of which decisively altered events or advanced the national agenda. In the end, the grievances listed in President Madison's war message to Congress--British harassment of American shipping, the impressment of American citizens and the instigation of hostilities by Indian tribes--were all mitigated by the time the Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814 (mainly attributable to the fall of Napoleon). This collection of War Department correspondence gives a complete account through more than 11,000 official and unofficial letters, annotated and indexed here for the first time.