The Public Image
In this book, Hariman and Lucaites provide an account of how photojournalism creates a distinctive and valuable way of understanding the modern world, plus example of how the public spectator can think about and with photographs in order to develop that understanding. Coming off the banner success of their No Caption Needed (2007), The Public Image takes that book forward with the express purpose of promoting visual literacy as a civic skill. In the end they aim to enlarge the conceptual scope of photography as a mode of experience, a medium for social thought, and a public art. Public thought needs both good writing and good photography, and this indicates the contemporary shift in talk about photography from what photographs are to a more direct concern with what photographs do. The authors take up a series of Big Issues, such as the recorded image as real and as artifice, the tangle of photography with modernity (here they touch on digitization and globalization), the manner in which the photograph operates as a medium for social thought, the photograph s intimate relationship with warfare, and they conclude with a chapter on the supersaturation of the image world (abundance is an important theme, and characteristic sign of cultural vitality)."