Gauge Theories in the Twentieth Century
By the end of the 1970s, it was clear that all the known forces of nature (including, in a sense, gravity) were examples of gauge theories, characterized by invariance under symmetry transformations chosen independently at each position and each time. These ideas culminated with the finding of the W and Z gauge bosons (and perhaps also the Higgs boson). This important book brings together the key papers in the history of gauge theories, including the discoveries of: the role of gauge transformations in the quantum theory of electrically charged particles in the 1920s; nonabelian gauge groups in the 1950s; vacuum symmetry-breaking in the 1960s; asymptotic freedom in the 1970s. A short introduction explains the significance of the papers, and the connections between them. Contents: Gauge Invariance in Electromagnetism; Non-Abelian Gauge Theories; Gravity as a Gauge Theory; Gauge Invariance and Superconductivity; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Particle Physics; Gauge-Fixing in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories; Gauge Identities and Unitarity; Asymptotic Freedom; Monopoles and Vortex Lines; Non-Pertubative Approaches; Instantons and Vacuum Structure; Three-Dimensional Gauge Fields and Topological Actions; Gauge Theories and Mathematics. Readership: Graduate students, researchers and lecturers in mathematical, theoretical, quantum and high energy physics, as well as historians of science.