Leaders Are Made, Not Born - How to Make yourself into an effective Leader
Table of Contents Introduction Responsibility How Others Decide to Turn You into a Leader… A Leader as a Sounding Board How Dependable Are You? Leadership, through Example Loyalty, First and Foremost Personal Behavioral Traits Simplicity Self-Control and Keeping Your Temper Tact and Diplomacy and When an Apology Is Needed Conclusion Appendix Author Bio Publisher Introduction This book is for all those people, who have the feeling that they have leadership qualities in them, but they never got an opportunity to show their true potential, skills, and were never considered to be a leader of men. Remember, psychologically speaking, everybody out there has a subconscious desire to be looked upon as someone who is capable of taking charge, leading, advising, guiding, and with those qualities which make men follow him blindly. You are going to asked me, do I think I am a leader? I must admit that as a child I was often told by many teachers to take a leading role or part in some activity, just because I was a bit too obstreperous and pushy. And they had decided that if they gave me any particular job to do, I could manage to do it well. Remember leaders are not born, they have to be made. Nobody really wants to be a leader because that means responsibility, having to take care of other people, looking for their welfare, and having the burden of their well-being upon your shoulders, 24/7, whether you like it or not. That is expected from a good leader. So all that psychological jargon of being a born leader, is often the way for someone to describe someone else, which is a bit too aggressive, pushy, and obstreperous, wants to be in the forefront of everything, yet also has the capacity to get people to follow him. I will be giving you plenty of examples in this book, about the qualities of a leader, especially when they are made, but they have some natural qualities which make other people think, that hey, this is a leader, and is a bit more mature than the rest of his peers. So let us see if this particular alpha wolf is able to lead a team, a platoon, a contingent, a group and managed to keep all the rest of the wolves, under control.