Babylon 5 - Asked & Answered (Part 1 of 5) - Babylon 5 Creator J. Michael Straczynski Answers 5,296 Fan Questions About B5
Get FREE page samples from this book at and Answered (Part 1 of 5) includes answer to questions specifically about Babylon 5 Actor Departures, Station History, Alien Sector, Cobra Bays, Docking Bay, DownBelow, Earhart's, Garden, Medlab, Observation Dome, Zocalo, Station Specifications, Staff, Babylon 5 Technology, Defense, Docking, Station Doors, Gravity, Station Weather, Station Windows, Behind the Scenes of B5, Philosophy & Beliefs, Casting Cameos, Casting Diversity, Casting Guest Stars, B5 5 Alien Repertory Group, Children on B5, Robots, Women, Lurkers, Rangers, Theo Ankises, Alfred Bester, Morgan William Clark, David Corwin, Dukhat, William Hague, Mitsu Hidoshi, Morden, n'grath, David, Sheridan (Elder), Valen, Zathras, Lyta Alexander, Zack Allan, Marcus Cole, Vir Cotto, Delenn, Stephen Franklin, G'Kar, Michael Garibaldi, Susan Ivanova, Warren Keffer, Ko'Dath, Kosh Naranek, Ulkesh Naranek, Lennier, Elizabeth Lochley, Londo Mollari, Na'Toth, John Sheridan, Jeffrey Sinclair, Talia Winters, B5 Culture & Society, Politics, Clothing, Crime & Punishment, Death, Drugs, Economics, Food, Language, Time, Dialogue, Government & Military, Army of Light, Earth Alliance, Earth Force, Colonies, Night Watch and the Psi Corps.PART 1 INCLUDES MORE THAN 1,000 QUESTIONS SUCH AS* Why not re-cast Sinclair?* How do you deal with a challenge like Ivanova's departure?* Did you ever consider having another actress play Ivanova?* Why keep rebuilding the Babylon station if there were so many attempts to destroy it?* How did Earth have the resources to build five Babylon stations?* Did the Narn contribute to the building of Babylon 5?* Why doesn't Babylon 5 have engines?* Why don't the ambassadors have offices?* Where are the various religious facilities?* Why do you call them "Cobra Bays?"* Is "DownBelow" a reference to something in C.J. Cherryh's books?* Are there animal life forms in the Garden and does it have seasons?* Isn't Medlab a bit small to service one quarter million inhabitants?BONUS: More than 200 questions just about Babylon 5: CRUSADE, including questions and answers about the crew, characters, casting, music, TNT and more in addition to questions about the 13 episodes.Discover why Babylon 5 will never be available on Blu-ray at