Shea's Lounge
- Shea's Lounge is the story of Shea, the Runaway. A female Border collie who spent two years living alone on the streets of Florida. One day, while she was begging for food from the local fire station, Shea was captured and taken to the closest animal shelter by a fireman who felt sorry for her, and wanted her to find a real home. On the very first day she was available for adoption, Joe entered the shelter "just to look around." When he heard Shea woof at him, it was love at first sight. Joe was clearly informed by the shelter's staff that Shea was a runaway. That idea didn't hit Joe until he brought her home. Shea quickly found a way out of Joe's fenced yard and ran as fast as she could go. After several escapes and re-captures by Joe, the local shelter, and by nearby neighbors, Shea once again found herself back in another filthy alley, staring at the garbage and the loneliness she had always known. Suddenly, Shea had a vision of the man who gave her his food, his home and his love. She remembered how his gentle touch made her feel, how his soft voice sounded to her, and mostly, how he always had a full bowl of food for her to eat at anytime. Shea suddenly realized what her instincts were now telling her to do, and she ran as fast as she could go, straight back to Joe's house. She anxiously waited for him to return home, while sitting on her new favorite lounge chair.