Revel for Living Democracy + California Government and Politics Today Combo Card
For courses in American Government Participate in your American government Revel(TM) Living Democracy shows students how American government impacts their daily lives and helps them recognize how they can make a difference in what that government does. Localizing politics whenever possible, authors Daniel Shea, Joanne Connor Green, and Christopher Smith help students understand that government and politics are not distant, abstract concepts but rather forces that shape their lives, now and in the future. Current coverage of the contemporary issues dominating today's political landscape ensures that students walk away with a greater appreciation of how to use the political system to bring about a better nation. The 2018 Elections and Updates Edition offers new narrative coverage of the major issues from today's headlines including the 2018 midterm elections, recent policy under the Trump administration, and the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. This digital package includes Revel California Government and Politics Today, 15th Edition, allowing instructors to easily integrate coverage of California government and politics into the American Government survey course. Focusing on California's ethnic and cultural diversity as well as the global economy's impact on California (and vice versa), author Mona Field explains California's ever-changing political situation in the context of social and economic trends. Revel is Pearson's newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience -- for less than the cost of a traditional textbook. NOTE: This Revel Combo Access pack includes a Revel access code plus a loose-leaf print reference (delivered by mail) to complement your Revel experience. In addition to this access code, you will need a course invite link, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Revel.